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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Disscussion Text : Internet

mau share aja nih , tadi dapet tugas bahasa inggris tentang Discussion Text. semoga bermanfaat.

Discussion Text
Discussion is a process to find the meet point between two different ideas. It is important to to get the understanding between the two differences. In many social activities, discussion is the effective way to calm down any friction and difference in thought, perception and recommendation.
(only one kind of issue)
Supporting Poin
t / arguments for
Contrastive Point / arguments againts


for example:

A lot of people today use internet for their work. Almost all of the people have an internet service in their home and many people use internet through the mobile phone too. From the Internet we can find a lot of information, meet with old friends through the chat room, sharing information through various discussion forums, to share images or videos and other things to people all over the world.

In the world today many people use facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, etc to chatting with our friend in everywhere. They belevied that communicating with this way is cheaper than communicating by telephone.

But Internet also can be bad for us. Based on the information of one of the newspaper in bogor. A woman has died because she changed her relationship status from merried bacome single. So her husband feel so angry and killed her. Another disadvantages of internet are many people will know what we are doing it every day. This can be used by people who are not responsible to do no good to us.
besides that, the Internet also can cause addiction and lost track of time.

Anyway,Internet does have a wide range of functions but also have a variety of bad things. so, use the Internet as needed and still keep your privacy to obey the ethics of Internet use.

Discussion Text:
Farizi Hilman R.
Jaka P.
Moch. Vicky Dewandha
M. Faiz Nasshor
Zaky F. M.
XII IPA 1 - SMAN 2 Bogor


deaninggra said...

like this :)

12 IPA 1 SMAN 2 Bogor said...

asik deh dewa.
eh yang bener tuh like this atau likes this sih? haha

deaninggra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deaninggra said...

subject he,she,it - likes ,kec to-infinitive , g usah pake s , ex : to like

subject they,we,i,you - like

kalo diterapin di comment
deaninggra said : "like this" -
beda dgn deaninggra likes this

contoh 1 yg ngucapin gw,subjectnya i

contoh 2 yg ngucapin org lain,ditujuin ke deaninggra jd subjectnya she

semg bs membantu

12 IPA 1 SMAN 2 Bogor said...

sangat memberi pencerahan :D